Commercial Air-side Online Recertification - Utility Sponsored

Commercial Air-side Online Recertification

Register for this training now!

8 hours – two, 4-hour sessions over two days.

Each session consists of four 50-minute blocks with 10-minute breaks.

Successful completion of this class qualifies the student for a two-year recertification in:

  • Commercial System Performance
  • Commercial Air Balancing
  • Optimize Economizer Performance


You must be are already NCI certified to be able to attend NCI Online recertification classes. All registrations will be verified prior to admission.

Commercial Air-side Online Recertification Agenda

Day 1

Module One - NCI Online Recertification Course Introduction
  • Welcome and course orientation
  • Easy to use GoToWebinar and its control panel
  • How to submit questions and participate in online interaction
  • Recertification application. Training evaluations and commitments.
  • Pre-training knowledge check
Module Two – Fan Laws and Variations
  • Belts and pulleys
  • Fan Law math
  • Fan Law One
  • Fan Law Two
  • Fan Law Three
  • Fan Law exercises
Module Three - Temperature Testing
  • Temperature measurement overview
  • Temperature test instruments
  • Temperature Testing Tips
  • Types of Temperature
  • Duct Temperature Changes
  • Percent of System Btu Loss
Module Four - Temperature Diagnostics and Repairs
  • Heating System Exercises
  • Cooling System Exercises
  • Wetbulb Temperature and Enthalpy
  • Equipment tests and diagnostics
  • Temperature repairs
  • System testing, diagnostics and repairs

Day 2

Module Five - Equipment Btu Measurements
  • Btu Introduction
  • Sensible, total and latent heat
  • Measure Equipment Btu
  • Measure Economizer Btu
Module Six - System Btu Measurements
  • Heat calculations
  • Measure Heating System Btu
  • Sensible heat exercises
  • Measure Cooling Equipment Btu
  • Measure Economizer Btu
  • Total heat exercises
  • Cooling System Btu Calculation
Module Seven - Rating System Performance
  • Rating System Performance Introduction
  • Plot Equipment Rated Capacity
  • Cooling System Performance Score
  • Heating System Performance Score
  • Economizer Effects on CSPS and HSPS
Module Eight - System Performance Upgrades
  • Equipment Btu Testing and Diagnostics
  • Outside Air Diagnostics
  • Equipment repairs and adjustments
  • Air Distribution repairs and adjustment
  • Course wrap up

Participant Recertification Requirements:

In order to meet recertification requirements, you must attend all training modules in their entirety. You must also respond to a minimum of 75% of questions asked throughout each 4-hour segment. Participant attention will also be closely monitored. A participant who intentionally logs off or stops paying attention during the class may be disqualified from earning NCI recertification CEUs.

The class should be taken on a desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or large tablet to ensure you can properly view the presentation slides and the instructor.

Important Notice about CEUs for State Licensing, NATE and BPI Recertifications

These classes are approved for NATE CEUs. We are in the process of requesting the classes qualify for Continuing Education for BPI and state licensing, but due to the current pandemic, it is taking longer than usual for responses from these organizations. While we cannot guarantee that the classes will earn state and BPI CEUs, we will do everything we can to make them available as soon as possible and ask that they are made retroactive for training in this new program.

Commercial Air-side Online Recertification

Special Contractor Price Co-Sponsored by California Utilities: $535 $50*
Includes New Certificate and Wallet Card, Printed Workbook, and Field Reference Guide.

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